
How to enter a Japanese university as an international student

by info@remi.website



Learning and experiencing in a new environment are valuable elements that enrich one’s life. Studying at a Japanese university is renowned for its cultural charm and high-quality educational environment.

In this article, we will explain the specific steps and important points for entering a Japanese university as an international student. So let’s open the door to study abroad together and forge a new future!

The Benefits of Studying Abroad and the Allure of University Education in Japan


Studying abroad is an incredible experience, and Japanese universities offer tremendous advantages to international students. Let’s explore the significance of studying abroad, the value of education at Japanese universities, as well as the benefits and support provided specifically for international students.

Understanding the significance of studying abroad, the value of education at Japanese universities, and the benefits and support available to international students can greatly enhance your study abroad experience.

The Significance of Studying Abroad and the Value of Education at Japanese Universities

Studying abroad provides an opportunity to experience different countries and cultures. By immersing yourself in a new environment, you can broaden your perspective and gain personal growth. Studying at Japanese universities also holds great value. Japanese universities have high educational standards and exceptional faculty members. You can learn a balance of academic and practical skills.

Benefits and Support Offered by Japanese Universities to International Students

Japanese universities provide various benefits and support to international students. For example, there are scholarship programs that offer financial assistance for tuition fees and living expenses. Additionally, there are programs available to enhance your Japanese language proficiency, providing you with opportunities to improve your Japanese language skills. Furthermore, there are offices and counseling services specifically for international students. These support services aim to ensure that international students can smoothly navigate university life while maximizing their learning experience.

Admission Requirements and Required Documents

To enroll as an international student in a Japanese university, there are several admission requirements that need to be fulfilled. Additionally, there are specific documents that need to be submitted as part of the application process. Let’s discuss an overview of the admission requirements for Japanese universities and the details regarding the necessary documents and procedures.

It is essential to accurately understand the requirements and procedures of the university you wish to apply to and prepare the required documents to ensure a smooth application process.

Overview of Admission Requirements for Japanese Universities

Admission requirements for Japanese universities may vary depending on each institution. However, the following are generally common requirements:

(1)学歴要件: 高校卒業資格や同等の学歴を有していることが必要です。国や地域によっては、教育制度が異なる場合もあるため、詳細な要件は大学のウェブサイトや入学案内を確認しましょう。
(1) Academic Requirements: It is necessary to have a high school diploma or an equivalent qualification. As educational systems can differ across countries and regions, it is important to check the detailed requirements on the university’s website or admission guide.

(2)日本語能力要件: 日本の大学での授業は一般的に日本語で行われますので、日本語の理解と会話能力が必要です。大学によって異なる場合がありますが、日本語能力試験(JLPT)や大学独自の日本語試験の合格が必要な場合もあります。
(2) Japanese Language Proficiency Requirements: Since classes at Japanese universities are generally conducted in Japanese, a certain level of proficiency in the language is required. Specific requirements may vary depending on the university, which could include passing the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) or a university-specific Japanese language examination.

(3)入学試験: 大学によっては入学試験があります。一般的な入学試験の形式には、学力試験や面接などがあります。試験内容や日程については、大学の入学案内を確認しましょう。
(3) Entrance Examinations: Some universities require entrance examinations. Common types of entrance examinations include academic tests and interviews. For detailed information regarding the examination content and schedule, refer to the university’s admission guide.

Details of Required Documents and Procedures

To enroll as an international student in a Japanese university, the following documents and procedures are typically required:

(1)出願書類: 大学の出願書類には、個人情報や学歴、志望理由などが含まれます。大学のウェブサイトや入学案内を参考に、出願書類の作成と提出期限を確認しましょう。
(1) Application Documents: The university’s application documents usually include personal information, academic background, and statement of purpose. Refer to the university’s website or admission guide for guidance on creating and submitting the application documents within the specified deadlines.

(2)学歴証明書: 高校卒業証明書や成績証明書など、自身の学歴を証明する書類が必要です。出身国の教育機関からの発行を受け、翻訳や公証手続きが必要な場合もあります。
(2) Academic Transcripts: Documents that verify your academic background, such as high school graduation certificates or academic transcripts, are required. These documents should be issued by educational institutions in your home country, and translation and notarization procedures may be necessary.

(3)日本語能力証明書: 日本語能力要件がある場合、日本語能力試験(JLPT)の合格証明書や大学独自の日本語試験の成績証明書が必要です。
(3) Japanese Language Proficiency Certificate: If there are Japanese language proficiency requirements, you will need to provide a certificate of passing the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) or the results of a university-specific Japanese language examination.

(4)パスポート: 有効なパスポートのコピーが必要です。入学手続きやビザの申請に使用されます。
(4) Passport: A copy of your valid passport is required. It will be used for the enrollment process and visa application.

(5)ビザ申請書: 留学ビザ(留学在留資格)を取得するために、日本の大使館や領事館に提出するビザ申請書が必要です。必要な情報や書類は、日本の大使館や領事館のウェブサイトで確認しましょう。
(5) Visa Application Form: To obtain a student visa (study residence status), you need to submit a visa application form to the Japanese embassy or consulate. Check the required information and documents on the website of the Japanese embassy or consulate.

(6)在留資格証明書類: ビザ申請後、ビザが承認されると在留資格証明書類が発行されます。これは日本に留学する際に必要な書類であり、入国時に提出が求められます。
(6) Residence Status Certificate: After the visa application is approved, you will receive a residence status certificate. This document is necessary for studying in Japan and will be required upon entry into the country.

(7)その他の書類: 大学によっては追加の書類が必要な場合があります。例えば、推薦状やポートフォリオなどです。大学の入学案内を参照し、必要な書類を準備しましょう。
(7) Additional Documents: Some universities may require additional documents, such as recommendation letters or portfolios. Refer to the university’s admission guide and prepare the necessary documents accordingly.

Japanese Language Proficiency and Learning

To enroll as an international student in a Japanese university, acquiring proficiency in the Japanese language is crucial. Below, we will explain the necessary Japanese language proficiency for classes and daily life at Japanese universities, as well as methods of Japanese language learning and study schedules.

① Japanese Language Proficiency for Classes and Daily Life at Japanese University


Classes and daily life at Japanese universities are generally conducted in Japanese. Therefore, comprehension and conversational skills in Japanese are necessary. A high level of Japanese language proficiency is required to understand specialized knowledge taught in classes and academic papers. Additionally, everyday communication and interaction with friends require conversational, reading, and writing abilities.

Specific Japanese language proficiency requirements may vary depending on the university or program. Generally, passing the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) at N2 level or higher, or passing a university-specific Japanese language examination, may be required. Check the university’s website or admission guide to understand the required level of Japanese language proficiency.

② Methods of Japanese Language Learning and Study Schedule



日本語学校への参加: 専門の日本語学校に通うことで、体系的な日本語教育を受けることができます。クラスでの授業や会話練習を通じて、日本語能力を向上させましょう。
There are various methods for learning Japanese. The following are examples of effective methods and study schedules for Japanese language learning.

Japanese language learning requires time and effort, but by consistently engaging in learning and choosing active learning methods, you can enhance your study and life at Japanese universities. Find a learning style that suits you and steadily improve your Japanese language proficiency.

Attending a Japanese Language School: Enrolling in a specialized Japanese language school allows you to receive systematic Japanese language education. Through classes and conversation practice, you can improve your Japanese language proficiency.

(1)自主学習: 学習教材やオンラインリソースを活用して、自宅での学習を行いましょう。テキストや文法書、オンラインレッスンなどを使って、単語や文法を学び、リスニングやスピーキングのスキルを磨きましょう。
(1) Self-Study: Utilize learning materials and online resources to study at home. Use textbooks, grammar books, online lessons, etc., to learn vocabulary, grammar, and enhance listening and speaking skills.

(2)日本語を使う環境に身を浸す: 日本語が使われる環境に身を置くことで、日常会話やリスニングのスキルを向上させることができます。日本人の友人と交流したり、日本語を使うサークルや活動に参加したりしましょう。
(2) Immerse Yourself in a Japanese-speaking Environment: By placing yourself in an environment where Japanese is used, you can improve your everyday conversation and listening skills. Interact with Japanese friends, participate in Japanese-speaking circles or activities.

(3)学習のスケジュール: 日本語学習は継続的な努力が必要です。自分に合ったスケジュールを立て、毎日一定の時間を日本語学習に割り当てましょう。定期的な復習や練習も重要です。
(3) Study Schedule: Japanese language learning requires continuous effort. Create a schedule that suits you and allocate a certain amount of time each day to Japanese language learning. Regular review and practice are also important.

Adaptation to Study Abroad Life and Culture

Adaptation to Living Environment and Culture as an International Student

When entering a Japanese university as an international student, it is necessary to adapt to a new living environment and culture. The following points explain how to adapt to the living environment and culture as an international student:

(1)宿泊施設や住居: 多くの大学には留学生用の宿泊施設があります。これらの施設は留学生同士の交流の場となることが多く、異文化交流や友人作りに役立ちます。また、大学周辺の賃貸住宅を探す場合は、地域の特徴や物価などを考慮しましょう。
(1) Accommodation and Housing: Many universities provide accommodation facilities for international students. These facilities often serve as places for intercultural exchange and making friends, supporting cultural interactions and friendships. When searching for rental housing near the university, consider the local characteristics and cost of living

(2)食事: 日本の食文化は多様であり、留学生にとっては新鮮な体験となることでしょう。学生食堂やレストラン、スーパーマーケットなどで様々な料理を試してみましょう。また、自炊をする場合は日本の食材や調味料にも慣れる必要があります。
(2) Meals: Japanese food culture is diverse, providing a fresh experience for international students. Try various dishes at student cafeterias, restaurants, supermarkets, and more. If you cook for yourself, you will also need to become familiar with Japanese ingredients and seasonings.

(3)交通手段: 日本では公共交通機関が充実しており、便利に移動することができます。駅やバスの乗り方、運賃の支払い方法などを学んでおくと、スムーズに移動することができます。自転車も日本で一般的な交通手段ですので、利用方法も覚えておくと便利です。
(3) Transportation: Japan has a well-developed public transportation system, allowing for convenient travel. Learn how to use trains, buses, and payment methods for fares, which will help you navigate smoothly. Bicycles are also a common mode of transportation in Japan, so it’s useful to know how to use them.

(4)コミュニケーションと人間関係: 留学生コミュニティや日本人学生との交流は、留学生活を豊かにする重要な要素です。留学生同士のイベントやクラブ活動に積極的に参加し、友人を作ることをおすすめします。また、日本人とのコミュニケーションでは、相手の文化や習慣にも理解を示すことが大切です。
(4) Communication and Relationships: Engaging with the international student community and interacting with Japanese students are essential for enriching your study abroad experience. Active participation in events and club activities for international students is recommended for making friends. When communicating with Japanese people, it’s important to show understanding for their culture and customs.

② Cultural Differences and Participation in the International Student Community

During your study abroad in Japan, you may encounter cultural differences. Understanding and accepting different cultures will enhance your study abroad experience. Here is advice for dealing with cultural differences and participating in the international student community:

(1)オープンマインドであること: 異なる文化や習慣に対してオープンマインドで接することが大切です。自分の文化や習慣が異なることを受け入れ、柔軟な姿勢で新しい経験を楽しむことが留学生活の充実につながります。
(1) Be open-minded: Approach different cultures and customs with an open mind. Accept the fact that your own culture and customs may be different and embrace a flexible attitude to enjoy new experiences, contributing to a fulfilling study abroad life.

(2)質問や疑問を持つこと: 異文化の中で理解しづらいことや疑問に思うことがあれば、遠慮せずに質問してみましょう。日本人や留学生仲間に相談することで、より深く理解することができます。
(2) Ask questions: If you come across something difficult to understand or have any doubts about different cultures, don’t hesitate to ask questions. Consulting with Japanese people or fellow international students will help deepen your understanding.

(3)留学生コミュニティへの参加: 留学生コミュニティは留学生同士の交流や支援の場です。大学や地域の留学生団体やイベントに積極的に参加し、留学生仲間と交流を深めましょう。
(3) Engage in the international student community: The international student community serves as a platform for interaction and support among international students. Actively participate in university or local international student organizations and events to foster connections with fellow international students.

(4)日本の文化に触れる機会を作る: 日本の伝統文化やイベントに積極的に参加することで、日本の文化をより深く理解することができます。茶道や着物の着付け体験、祭りや文化祭への参加など、様々な機会を探してみましょう。
(4) Create opportunities to experience Japanese culture: Actively participate in traditional Japanese culture and events to gain a deeper understanding of Japanese culture. Look for opportunities such as tea ceremonies, trying on kimono, participating in festivals and cultural events, and more.




Studying as an international student at a Japanese university offers a wonderful opportunity for personal growth and international exchange. We have gained an understanding of the process of studying abroad, including admission requirements, necessary documents, and the importance of Japanese language proficiency. To achieve success as an international student, preparation and passion are necessary. Let’s make the most of the appeal and benefits of studying at a Japanese university and enjoy a fulfilling study abroad experience.

Exciting experiences await, such as making new friends, encountering different cultures, acquiring specialized knowledge, and personal growth. Take a step towards the future and make your dreams come true!

日本経済大学 東京渋谷キャンパスで学ぶ
Studying at Nihon Keizai University, Tokyo Shibuya Campus



Nihon Keizai University's Tokyo Shibuya Campus is conveniently located just a 3-minute walk from Shibuya. This campus itself serves as a vibrant backdrop for learning, surrounded by the lively atmosphere of Shibuya. One of the distinctive features of the school is its emphasis on practical classes and active support for students aspiring to start their own businesses. Additionally, students have the opportunity to learn from a faculty of distinguished professors with expertise in various fields. Nihon Keizai University is known for its personalized guidance and supportive environment, providing individualized instruction and boasting a high employment rate through career support integrated into the curriculum.

International students are also provided with comprehensive support. The International Exchange Center is established to assist students with their daily life matters. Upon enrollment, a Japanese language proficiency test is conducted to determine the appropriate learning course. Mandatory Japanese language classes are offered during the first and second years to support the improvement of language skills for international students. In classes, Japanese and international students learn together, fostering deep connections and interactions. Nihon Keizai University places great importance on creating an enriching learning environment for all international students.

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